Wagyu Beef

Our first Wagyu bull is a direct descendant of World K Michifuku, who is considered to be one of the best carcass bulls outside Japan. He is a full blood Wagyu, and is bred with our Belgian Blue cows to create a Wagyu cross. Together they produce meat with great marbling, and a calm and content animal.

The Wagyu breed makes a healthier, more flavoursome meat. The marbled fat within the meat has a higher amount of monounsaturated fats, which can lower cholesterol. It is claimed Wagyu beef has 20% lower cholesterol than regular beef, and 15% less than chicken, while it still has high protein levels matching regular beef.

The beef marbling comes from high protein feeds, such as our home grown barley and beans. Using these in the animals’ diets helps to increase the intramuscular fat cells.

The Wagyu cows can live up to 3 years longer than regular animals. This, along with the fact they are only fed on food grown from our own farm, helps develop a greater flavour and tenderness.